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Cinnamon swirl Christmas tree

Serves   16-18 scrolls
Prep time: 45 mins + proofing time
Cooking time: 25 mins

Let the smell of delightful spices fill your kitchen this Christmas with this moreish cinnamon swirl Christmas tree. The kids will love helping you make this delicious centrepiece and will adore eating it even more!

Cinamon swirl xmas tree




  1. 170ml milk, warmed
  2. 2 tsp fresh dried yeast
  3. 1/4 cup Pams Caster Sugar
  4. 50g melted Pams Butter + 40g butter, softened
  5. 1 egg + 1 egg yolk, beaten
  6. 1 tsp + 1tsp vanilla extract
  7. 3 cups high grade flour
  8. 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  9. 1 tsp salt
  10. 1 cup Pams Brown Sugar
  11. 3/4 cup cream cheese, softened
  12. 1 cup Pams Icing Sugar
  13. Silver cachous or sprinkles, to decorate


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer (or large mixing bowl if making by hand) sprinkle the yeast over the milk. Stir gently, then add the caster sugar, melted butter, eggs and vanilla. Attach the dough hook and mix on low for 30 seconds to combine.
  2. To the wet ingredients, add the flour, 1 Tbsp cinnamon and salt. Turn on a low to medium speed until a soft dough forms. Increase to high speed and knead for 5 -10 minutes or until the dough is soft and stretchy. Transfer to a greased bowl and cover with a tea towel and leave to proof in a warm space until doubled in size.
  3. Once doubled, turn out onto a floured surface and roll out into a rectangle 2cm in thickness. Mix together the softened butter, brown sugar and remaining cinnamon, then spread evenly over the dough. Cut in half horizontally, then roll each piece length-ways into a tight log, with the join underneath to keep it together.
  4. Trim the ends of each roll, then cut each into 8-9 pieces. Arrange the rolls into a Christmas tree shape on a lined tray or baking dish. Then cover and leave to proof in a warm place for a final 30-45 minutes or until they’ve almost doubled in size.
  5. Once proofed, place into a 200 ̊C fan bake oven, and bake for 15-25 minutes or until they are lightly golden brown in colour; ensuring they don’t become too dark in colour. Once baked, remove from the oven and set aside.
  6. To make the frosting, beat together the cream cheese, vanilla and icing sugar with a pinch of salt. Flip the cinnamon rolls onto a serving plate, then while the cinnamon rolls are still warm, spread the frosting liberally over the surface.
  7. Decorate with sprinkles if desired, then serve or keep in an airtight container for up to 2 days.


  • This is best eaten warm with a lovely cup of your favourite tea, on Christmas morning!


  • Can I freeze the cinnamon rolls?
    • You can freeze the rolls, baked but unfrosted. Later, you can thaw them out, warm them for just a few minutes in the oven, and ice them while warm.
  • How do I keep my cinnamon rolls fresh?
    • Whether you leave them out at room temperature or refrigerate them, the most important thing is to store them in an airtight container or wrap them tightly with plastic wrap on a plate. This keeps the cinnamon rolls moist, fresh, and just as delicious as when they came out of the oven.
  • Do I have to let the dough rise twice?
    • Proofing (the second rise) is instrumental in getting the right light and fluffy texture. An under-proofed bun will be hard and chewy. A bun that’s done proofing will feel soft and pillowy and will wiggle when you poke it.